rideshare opportunities

Ridesharing companies are getting more creative by the day!

Uber has partnered with Cargo, a startup that makes it easy for rideshare drivers to sell goods to their passengers and make some extra money.

Cargo gives drivers free boxes, filled with products like gum, chips, 5 Hour Energy, and phone chargers to sell to passengers. The company says drivers can make an extra $150 to $300 per month with their service.

How does it work?

Drivers signs up and Cargo immediately ships a Cargo box to them. The box easily straps onto the center console of a vehicle.

Passengers make purchases by going to www.cargo.menu on their mobile devices. They enter the driver's Cargo box ID number and it automatically displays what the driver has available. There is no cash allowed, they make their purchase and pay via credit card, Apple/Android pay, or Paypal. No signup or download is required.

how does Cargo work

When a passenger makes a purchase, Cargo texts the driver exactly which items the passenger has bought.The sales revenue are split between Cargo and the drivers.

Snacks and other small products are the next frontier in the rideshare business.

People spend so much time in Ubers, the idea that you could make a purchase there seems like a no-brainer. It's shocking that the idea is just gaining traction and there hasn't been more competition.